Jain Center of America Ashtapad Mahavir Temple Adinath Temple Sthanak Upashray Shrimad Rajchandra Dadawadi Jain Center of America
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News & Events

Anjansalaka Pratimaji on Wednesday, February 26,2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Jai Jinendra

Jain Center of America, NY  is very happy to inform you that two nine inch ( 9") Anjansalaka Paach Dhatu Pratimaji  Sthapana will be done in Bhgawan Mahavirswami Temple Gabhara on second floor.

Anjansalaka ceremony  was performed in Mumbai, India for Pratimaji of Shri Bhagwan Adinath  and Shri Bhagwan Santinath. Shri Bhagwan Santinath Panch Dhatu Pratimaji was taken from JCA Gabhara to India to perform Anjansalaka. JCA will also be doing Sthapana of  an additional Anjansalaka  Panch Dhatu Pratimaji of Shri Bhagwan Adinath in Gabhara, purchased by JCA.

Vasantbhai and  Jaynaben  Mehta took all responsibility of this event and all related responsibilities,  including taking and bringing Pratimaji to JCA. They will be arriving along with two Pratimaji on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 at JFK. 

On behalf of Jain Center Of America we thank them for their generous help.

Jain Temple of  NY, New Hyde Park has offered JCA to do Parona ceremony at JTNY center on Wednesday, February 26,2014 starting 2.30 PM. This religious ceremony  will be performed, prior to Grah Pravesh in JCA. Pratimaji will be taken directly to Jain Temple of NY, New Hyde Park from JFK on Wednesday, February 26, 2014. Jain Center of America, NY appreciates JTNY help and thanks on behalf of JCA. 

Members are requested to attend this ceremony  at JTNY and take Labh.

Following are the program details:

Everyone can Participate, there will be Ghee bolis for Asthaprakari pooja, Aarti and Magal Devo. .

Pratimaji Pravesh  and Stapana ceremony details and date at JCA will be sent soon, so that all of you will have enough time to participate and take Labh of this very auspicious occasion at JCA.

Board of Trustees, Executive Committee and Religious Committee requests all to take Labh.


Jain Center of America, NY

Policy for Navkar Mantra JAAP

Monday, February 10, 2014

Jai Jinendra

Members have requested clarification of the policy regarding conducting JAAP in JCA after death of their family member, relative or friend.

JCA Board of Trustees and Executive committee have agreed to the following policy:

1. JCA will allow any member to do Navkar Mantra JAAP in the memory of their family member, relative or a friend after death
2. JAAP can take place  only (15) fifteen days after death
3. JAAP for such matters only will take place in the JCA Basement
4. JCA will send email regarding this matter upon request from the member or family member
5.There will be no posting of this event on JCA notice Board on any floor
6.There will be no conveyance or announcements of any condolences in JCA in this event
7.No pictures/photo of anyone including Gurus/Scholars will be allowed to be displayed at the event
8.Such event can be held any day of the week except on Sunday after 3.00 PM only
9. No food will be allowed to be served in JCA on such event
10. JCA has thoughtfully discussed this matter to satisfy all religious matters of the five tradition in JCA
11. JCA requests members to follow above guidelines

On behalf of Board of Trustees and Executive Committee
Jawahar A. Shetti
Jain Center of America,NY

Mahavir Janma Kalyanak Celebrations 2014 - Participation Form

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Jai Jinendra !!

Mahavir Janma Kalyanak Mahotsav 2014 is planned to be celebrated in April of this year. We are looking forward to bring to you this celebration with lot of devotion and cultural program from our kids. Attached please find the form for the same. Kindly fill this and submit to any member of EC or JCA manager latest by February 16, 2014.This will allow us to plan for the event and give enough practice to our kids to put up a great performance.

We look forward to active participation as in the past and request that you come and celebrate this great event with all of us.

Please click here to download the participation form.

Thanks & Regards,

Jain Center Of America

YJP > Join YJP for 2 Events

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Jai Jinendra !

We encourage all our young professionals between the age of 24-42 years to attend the two upcoming events organized by Young Jain Professionals in the NY metro area.

Jain Center of America

Pursue Your Dreams and Unleash the Power Within: A Seminar with Mitesh Kapadia

As we are entering this New Year with a zeal to achieve goals and pursue our dreams, let's explore together the ways we can truly transform our lives and accomplish our dreams. To help us do that, inspirational speaker Mitesh Kapadia will focus on refining one's own personality, by tackling destructive habits and to pursue a life of purpose and fulfillment by finding Our Truth and Transform Our Life by Living it.

Come join us at this unique workshop as we discuss how various Jain teachings can provide us the tools to make a lasting transformation and obtain unprecedented happiness.

Date: Sunday, February 9, 2014
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Location: Berges Institute - North Room, 23 W 36th St, New York, NY 10018
Cost:  Free!

We have limited spots, so please RSVP today. For more information go to our Facebook event or contact us by email.

YJP Northeast Winter Retreat 2014: Unplug from daily life. Connect with your soul

Join YJP from March 7-9 to unwind at the rustic Race Brook Lodge. This cozy lodge is the perfect location for a retreat filled with networking, educational sessions and social activities. The lodge is just minutes away from Catamount Ski Area where we will be enjoying the snow one last time before the season ends!

DATES: March 7 (Friday evening) to March 9 (Sunday afternoon)
LOCATION: Race Brook Lodge and Catamount Ski Area

Interested? Register today!
Visit Facebook Events       Email YJP for more information
Pricing & Transportation

Registration Price (includes lodging & meals):
$155 (Now - Feb. 10)
$175 (Feb. 11- Mar. 3)
Age: 24-42
Early Bird Registration ends February 10th at 11:59pm EST, so register ASAP!

Optional Activity Prices:
$75 - Lift Ticket + Rental + Lesson (beginner trails only)
$39 - Lift Ticket (all trails)
$34 - Ski/Snowboard Rental
$10 - 1.5 Hour Lesson

Carpools will be arranged from Boston, New York, New Jersey, and Philadelphia.

YJA > Registration for the 2014 YJA Convention is now OPEN!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Jai Jinendra !

We request all our members to encourage their children between the age of 14-29 years to attend 2014 YJA Convention in Washington, DC during the July 4th weekend.

Jain Center of America

Jai Jinendra !
Registration for the 2014 YJA Convention is now OPEN and we want you to be among the first to register!
Register today to lock in your early bird pricing discount. And 1 out of the first 150 to register will win a brand-new iPad Air.
Space is limited this year, so don't delay!


Convention Details


You and your friends (ages 14-29) interested in Jainism


Thursday, July 3rd - Sunday, July 6th


Crystal Gateway Marriott Located at 1700 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Arlington, VA

Registration Fees:

Click for Registration Fees & Deadlines 1 out of the first 150 to register will win a brand-new iPad Air!

More Info:

Please visit our Convention Website Or e-mail reghelp@yja.org - we're here to help!

Get Excited:

2014 YJA Convention - Register Today!

We hope to see you at #YJA14!

General Body Meeting on Sunday, December 22, 2013

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Jai Jinendra!

Jain Center of America, New York invites you to attend the Annual General Body Meeting on Sunday, December 22, 2013 at 2:00 PM at our Temple, 43-11 Ithaca Street, Elmhurst, N.Y. 11373. The alternate date (in case of inclement weather) is Sunday, December 29, 2013 at 2:00PM at our temple.

The meeting will commence at 2:00 PM sharp. However, in the absence of a quorum, the meeting will start at 2:30 PM, as per the JCA Constitution.

The agenda for the General Body Meeting is as follows:

  • Prayer
  • Activities of JCA - Reports by Chairman/President
  • Annual Report - Secretary/ Administrator
  • Financial Statements for the year 2012 - CFO/Treasurer
  • Explanation of the budget for 2014 & approval by the General Body - CFO
  • Lake Success progress report
  • Any other matter related to JCA (should be approved for discussion by Chair)

If you wish to present any other issues or concerns at the General Body Meeting, please write, fax or e-mail the Secretary, Chairman or JCA Manager before November 30, 2013.

The 2012 JCA financial statements and the 2012 JCA General Body minutes will be available on the JCA website and at the temple from December 1, 2013 onwards. 

Lunch will be served starting at 12:00 pm in our Bhojanshala.

Participation at the meeting is a privilege and duty of all members of JCA and your attendance at the meeting would be greatly appreciated.

This letter has also been sent via email to members, posted on the JCA website and posted on the JCA notice board.

We look forward to seeing you all at the meeting.

Robin Shah, Secretary
Tel: 917-749-6892
Email: robin_shah@yahoo.com

Shatrunjaya Ni Bhavya Bhav Yatra on Sunday, November 17, 2013 @ 10.30 AM

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Jai Jinendra!

Jain Center of America is celebrating Shatrunjaya Ni Bhavya Bhav Yatra with music of meditation (Giriraj Chhatrishi) and Pat Darshan on Sunday, November 17th @ 10.30 AM at Sthanak Hall

This year, we are going to have a Ghee Bholi for SANGHPATI for Bhav Yatra. Sanghpati will get the privilege to lead  Sakal Sangh for entire Bhavyatra starting from Jay Taleti. We Invite Sakal Sangh to take Dharma Laabh by joining the Bhav Yatra celebration and by participating in a Ghee Boli for Sanghpati.


Bhav Yatra starts from Jap Taleti on the foothills of Shatrunjaya and ends on the other side at a place known as Siddhavad. The name, Siddhavad, is after a Banyan tree and it is said thousands of Jains have achieved the final stage of life-death cycle, Nirvana or salvation and become free from the bondage of Karma.

The Bhav Yatra covers all Jain temples in Palitana. Siddhavad is near Adipur, known as the birth place Lord Adinath the first Thirthankar. It is believed that every Jain should visit Palitana at least once in his lifetime to get "Bhavya" status (fit to attain nirvana or salvation). There are a total of 1250 temples located on the Shatrunjaya hills, exquisitely carved in marble. The main temple on top of the hill, is dedicated to 1st Tirthankar, Lord Adinath (Rishabdeva). This year, the auspicious day of Kartaki Purnima is on same day of November 17th, 2013.

Thanks & Regards
Jain Center of America

Events on Chaumasi Chaudas & Poonam (Weekend)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Jai Jinendra!

Following programs are scheduled at the Jain Center of America:

Kartak Sud 14 Chaumasi Chaudas  - Saturday, November 16, 2013:

  • Devvandan @ 2.30 PM at Sthanak Hall
  • Chaumasi Pakkhi Pratikraman @ 6.30 PM at Library        

Kartak Sud 15 Kartaki Poonam - Sunday, November 17, 2013:

  • Adinath Jinalay weekly Puja @ 10:00 AM at Adinath Jinalay
  • Dadawadi Puja @ 9:30 AM at Dadawadi Temple
  • Shree Shatrunjay Bhavyatra & Patdarshan @ 10.30 AM at Sthanak Hall
  • Shrimad Satsang @ 1.00 PM at Shrimad Hall
  • Sthanak Chaumasi Pakkhi Pratikraman @ 6.30 PM at Sthanak Hall

A sincere request for all our members to participate and have Dharam Labh.

Bhojanshala Sponsors
Tithi-Shrimad Satsang-Dadawadi Puja

Name of Sponsors Date Occasion
Rasikbhai & Kalpanaben Sanghavi Nov 17, 2013 Punya Tithi-Urmilaben R Sanghavi
Ek Sadgrahsta Nov 17,  2013 Shrimad Satsang
Naveenji & Babitaji Lodha Nov 17, 2013 Dadawadi Puja
Surendraji Jain & Miteshji Jain Nov 17, 2013 Dadawadi Puja

JCA Tithi Sponsorship:

  • Every Sunday since 2006, JCA has joyfully served food to all Sadharmiks without any charge.
  • You can support this tradition by donating $251 for a Tithi, which could be for any occasion you wish.
  • You can also sign up to volunteer time in kitchen will help JCA to serve better.

Thanks & Regards
Jain Center of America

Sthanak Upashray – “Saamayik” Schedule for November & December 2013

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Jai Jinendra

** "Saamayik" Schedule for November & December 2013  **

At JCA, 2nd Floor, Sthanak Hall.



Sunday, November 10th 2013

from 10:30 AM To 12:00 PM

Swamivatsalya Tithi Sponsors:

1) Ek Sadharmik Family

2) Anuji & Savitaji Hirawat

3) Dakshaben Doshi (Punaytithi-Mother Nirmalaben Shantibhai Variya)


~~ Kartik Sud Choumasi Pakkhi Pratikraman ~~

Sunday, November 17th 2013  

from 6:30 PM

At JCA, 2nd Floor, Sthanak Hall


~~ "Saamuhik Saamayik" ~~

*** Children's Special ***

Sunday, December 8th 2013

from 10:30 AM To 12:00 PM


Please Come with Your Children and Encourage them to take

Active Part in Saamayik by Speaking something

related to Jainism or Sing Bhajans.

For Further Information, Please Call:

Sunil Daga – 917-513-4437, Shweta Kothari – 646-725-5022

Ulka Kothari – 516-314-7517, Hasmukh Parikh – 646-996-9365

~ All are Requested to Attend and have Dharam Labh ~

Upcoming Events November 2013

Monday, November 4, 2013

Jai Jinendra!

Following programs are scheduled at the Jain Center of America:

Kartak Sud 5 - Gyan Pancham - Thursday, November 7, 2013:

  • Gyan Puja & Devvandan@ 2:00 PM at Sthanak Hall

Kartak Sud 8 Atham - Sunday, November 10, 2013:

  • Adinath Jinalay Weekly Puja @ 10:00 AM at Adinath Jinalay
  • Samuhik Saamayik @ 10:30 AM at Sthanak Hall

Kartak Sud 14 Chaumasi Chaudas - Saturday, November 16, 2013:

  • Devvandan @ 2.30 PM at Sthanak Hall
  • Chaumasi Pakkhi Pratikraman @ 6.00 PM at Library

Kartak Sud 15 Kartaki Poonam - Sunday, November 17, 2013:

  • Adinath Jinalay weekly Puja @ 10:00 AM at Adinath Jinalay
  • Dadawadi Puja @ 9:30 AM at Dadawadi Temple
  • Shree Shatrunjay Bhavyatra @ 10.00 AM at Sthanak Hall
  • Shrimad Satsang@ 1.00 PM at Shrimad Hall
  • Sthanak Chaumasi Pakkhi Pratikraman @ 6.30 PM at Sthanak Hall

Kartak Vad 6 - Sunday, November 24, 2013:

  • Adinath Jinalaya Weekly Puja @ 10:00 AM at Adinath Jinalaya

A sincere request for all our members to participate and have Dharam Labh.

Thanks & Regards
Jain Center of America