"I understand once again that the greatness of God always reveals itself in the simple things." – Paulo Coelho
Let me begin with this quote that amplifies the purpose of our lives. Thank you once again for trusting me this coveted opportunity to serve as the Chairman of the Jain Center of America. I welcome the new members of the Board of Trustees, the Executive Committee, the religious coordinators and the kitchen volunteers who all give their time and service selflessly.
Our Centre is thriving, and a lot of credit goes to you all, the core of our unique amalgamation of so many Jain traditions and faiths. A sacred and safe place for spiritual growth for all those who visit.
We are blessed to have a strong team as the backbone of the Center. I urge you to encourage and support the relentless work by attending all the events, functions and lectures as much as possible.
Looking forward to grow and learn as we all continue our journey together.
Once again, I thank each one of you on behalf of JCA.
Thanks and Regards,
Chairman, JCA NY