Jai Jinendra! |
Dear Sadharmik Brothers and Sisters, |
We Need Your Support! |
We are positive that you are all looking forward to celebrating the upcoming Holiday Season & New Year with family and friends. Most of us are fortunate to be living in this wonderful country and freely practicing our Jain religion with our families and communities. At the same time, we must ensure that our Jain Way of Life is passed on to our future generations. |
Our local Jain Center - Jain Center of America, NY - is an excellent place for us to Donate and give back to our community during this Season of Giving. |
We request you to consider making a year-end Donation to the Jain Center of America keeping in mind all the programs that are conducted for the benefit of our Jain community. |
Jain Center of America is a section 501(c)(3), Non-Profit Organization and all your Donations are Tax Deductible. |
You can Donate to JCA by making a Check Payable to the “Jain Center of America” or Click Here to donate securely Online on the JCA Website. |
Please take a few minutes to click on the link below and donate generously. |
Donating online will require you to create a secure login account. |
Become a JCA Member Become a Benefactor, Patron, Donor, or Life Member and become a part of the JCA family.
Registered Members helps strengthen the foundation of our Jain Center, help supports all our activities and have a voice in our major decisions.
Click on the below link for more information and to Become a Member.
Your generous tax-deductible donation will enable JCA to support and carry out various activities such as the ones listed below: |
General Funds: To support daily, weekly and yearly activities at JCA Temple. This will help us in spreading our Jain Way of Life in our community and benefit our future generations.
Student Pathshala: Religious education is important because it equips students with cultural, social, moral and spiritual knowledge that aids in mental and physical development within society. Children are naturally curious and by teaching them about our religion, we are giving them the information they seek and filling the gap in their knowledge. We request you to support this cause for benefit of our future generations. |
Bhojanshala Tithi: Sponsoring Bhojanshala for a day is only $251. Your Sponsorship will help us to conduct Bhojanshala activities at JCA. Some of the occasions that you can Sponsor are Birthdays, Wedding Anniversaries, Punya Tithis for any relative or any other occasion that you would like to share with our Jain Community. |
Building Maintenance: The most distinctive and unique feature of the JCA NY Temple complex is the manner in which it has managed to unite the diverse traditions of the Jain faith under one building, with each tradition having their own worshipping space, to preserve their unique tradition and identity, in order to foster greater harmony and unity among all its members. We request you to support the ongoing needs of the Temple building to maintain and improve the facilities of the Temple. |
Mahavir Jayanti: Each year, JCA organizes an annual cultural program to celebrate Mahavir Bhagwan Janma Kalyanak in which over 1,500 Jains along with their families from around the Tri-State area attend to celebrate the religious festivities. We request you to support the tradition of celebrating this festival to foster and teach the preaching of Bhagwan Mahavir. |
Pratishtha Anniversary: Every year JCA celebrates Pratishtha Anniversary of our Temple and do prabhavna of Bhagwan, spread the principle of Ahimsa, Anekantavada and Aparigraha. We request you to support this event to celebrate the foundation and heritage we have received, to practice and nurture our Jain religion. |
Paryushan & Das Laskshan: Every year JCA celebrates Paryushan Maha Parv and Das Lakshana. It is one of the most holy days for Jains. We request your support to celebrate this event with our fellow members and spread the word of Jainism.
Weekly or Monthly Pooja: JCA conducts weekly and monthly Pooja to foster and encourage fellow members towards our religion and take dharma labh. Please donate generously to support this cause. |
Scholars Lecture Programs: JCA periodically organizes Scholars Lecture sessions by renowned Sadhus, Sadhvi’s, and Jain Scholars. This gives an excellent opportunity to have questions about Jainism answered by learned scholars. |
Jivdaya (Animal Compassion): Following the principle of 'Live & Let Live”, Non-Violence and Ahimsa are promoted. From generous donations of fellow Jains, animals in various Panjarapoles in India and USA are provided with food, shelter, medical needs and thousands of animals are saved from slaughter houses. |
Seniors Group: JCA seniors group supports the activities and wellbeing of seniors and their upliftment. It is our responsibility to support our elders. |
Women's Group: JCA women's group works for the engagement of women and their advancement through identification and development of their skills. |
Youth Group: Youth group facilitates various activities for youth engagement and networking to foster community engagement. |
Art Gallery: Art Gallery exhibits works of JCA Members and Pathshala Students. Please donate generously to support this cause to spread the principles of Jainism and to encourage our children to learn more about the history of our great religion and learn new skills in arts and crafts. |
Library: JCA has library which contains an expanding collection of Shastras and religious books on Jainism. This cultural heritage will help our fellow members and kids to learn and understand the importance of our religion in depth. |
Please feel free to call JCA office or contact any BOT or Executive Member in case of any questions. |
Please visit www.nyjaincenter.org to learn more about JCA’s Latest News, Upcoming Events and much more. |
Thank you all for your support. |
Thanks and Regards,
Board of Trustees
Executive Committee
Jain Center of America, NY